With the rise of online businesses and purchasing, more businesses are opting for e-stores for their customers compared to a physical store. Similarly, people are also moving from brick and mortar stores to e-stores to get the products and services. Now about 60% of shoppers in the developed countries shop on the internet.
People find online shopping comfortable and very convenient as people can shop from the comfort of their homes and the things they need are delivered right to thier doorstep. Ecommerce is expanding tremendously now due to the variety of benefits it offers. Ecommerce has entirely revolutionized the way things were shopped. Consumers can buy anything, anywhere and anytime and this always open policy has allowed customers to shop without any limitations of time.
You don’t have to go through the whole drill of getting a shopping cart and drag it to the correct aisle to get the product you need. At ecommerce site users can simply type what they need in the search bar or click through the navigation. For repeat purchase, ecommerce websites remember the shopping lists and customer preference.
Comparison Shopping:
Ecommerce allows you to compare and shop. There are numerous online services available that permit the customers to browse multiple ecommerce merchants to find the best price.
Usually, people live far away from stores and sometimes being stuck in traffic takes up half of your grocery shopping time. You can visit your store virtually with few mouse clicks saving you both fuel cost and traveling time.
Limited information can be displayed on physical stores due to restrictions. Ecommerce sites make lots of information available easily to the customers. Vendors make this information available that does not cost anything.
Ecommerce merchants can access lot of information from customers using the information given by customers in registration forms and cookies. This allows to create targeted information so timely announcements relevant to store can be made. This also helps in making a customer database for customers.
Both sellers and buyers of niche products have a hard time locating each other in the real world. Whereas in the cyber world, it is only a matter of searching product you need in the search engine. For example buying obsolete parts, rather than trashing older stuff for lack of spares, you can easily find parts online.
It cannot be stressed enough how much online presence is needed for small businesses. The growth rate of the eCommerce market is astronomical. It does not matter if it’s a small set up you have to make yourself known in your services. In a recent survey conducted for reason of building website, 71% replied to creating an online presence.
With Ecommerce shopping, there are deals, bargains, group shopping and coupons which makes online shopping convenient and affordable. For example, if a customer has a discount coupon for turkey at one store and paper napkins at other, he cannot avail both discounts in case of physical stores but with ecommerce everything is just a few clicks away.
If you are interested in setting up an online business and need advice or suggestion, get in touch with us. Call us on +1-516-997-5555 or email us at experts@weareparkfield.com to get your queries answered.