Why Should I Hire a Digital Marketing Agency?

Why Should I Hire a Digital Marketing Agency?
Written by
Richard Emanuel
Published on
April 6, 2021
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You want your business to flourish.

You lay awake in your bed at night and wonder how to grow your eCommerce store. You can’t stop thinking of ways to improve your products and make your customers’ lives easier.

Imagine if you could get millions of people to see your products by flipping a switch.

That’s what digital marketing does.

It’s an exceptionally powerful tool.

But a tool so powerful can also be a double-edged sword. Implement it poorly, and it’ll do your business more harm than good. On the other hand, creating a great digital marketing strategy will take your business to the next level.

Then the next question comes: Where do I start? 

Digital marketing is such a vast field that getting started can feel overwhelming.

Which is precisely why the easiest solution is to hire a digital marketing agency. The main goal of working with such an agency is to develop the RIGHT marketing strategy to grow your business.

To emphasize something important: yes it’s about the marketing strategy, but in the end, it’s also about driving sustainable business growth.

So to help you make an informed decision about which agency to hire and when, here’s what you’ll need to consider before hiring a digital marketing agency.

When to hire a digital marketing agency

The right agency is a great asset to your business, but it can be hard to understand when to hire one. So, here are a couple of pointers:

  • You need to scale your business: Your sales are exploding, and your company is booming. You have so much on your hand that you don’t have time to worry about marketing. Your team is working at maximum capacity and you need the extra help.
  • You need people with skills ASAP: You don’t have time and resources to hire and train new employees. Digital marketing agencies can improve your marketing efforts immediately, because that is the sole purpose of their business.
  • You need help developing your marketing strategy: You understand the power of marketing but don’t know where to start. The topic is complex and requires a lot of time and practice to master. When you work with an agency, they know how to create a marketing strategy that is as efficient and effective as possible.
  • You need to improve conversion rates: Your sales are stagnating or decreasing, and you need to bring your business back on track. Or you’re in the process of optimizing and need a helping hand with the best way to do this.

To put it simply: working with the right digital marketing agency turns your current customers into raving fans, helps you get more clients, and exponentially grows your business.

Any of these struggles feeling familiar?

Reasons to hire a digital marketing agency

The internet is packed with courses, videos, and articles on digital marketing. You could learn it yourself, or you could train an employee. At first glance, this may seem like the cheaper option. And you know your product better than any agency ever could… right?

But does DIYing your digital marketing really come out cheaper?

Digital marketing is always developing - and quickly at that. If you choose to go down the DIY route, you risk learning outdated information. Yesterday’s tactics are already obsolete. You could harm your business by following the wrong advice. It’s better to rely on experts with something as dynamic and fast-moving as marketing.

Agencies allow you to focus on your strengths. They provide a hands-off solution so that you can work on your projects rather than worry about marketing. Good agencies have systems in place that guarantee high standards of quality. And they’ve remained in business likely because they’ve helped other businesses like yours get proven results (emphasis added here on “proven”).

So if you feel stuck in your marketing efforts, an outside perspective might be just what you need. Marketing agencies come up with fresh ideas and help you see your brand and your products and services in a new light. We know the phrase “think outside the box” is super cliche, but this is precisely what keeps many businesses innovative - and those innovative ideas often come from agencies with an external perspective.

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Benefits of hiring a digital marketing agency

We both know why you want to hire a digital marketing agency: you want to increase your sales by leveraging the power of the Internet. Kudos to you, because it’s a stellar idea! But working with a digital marketing agency goes beyond just increasing sales.

Here are some further benefits of hiring a digital marketing agency:

  • Proven systems: Agencies come with proven expertise in marketing. You can trust they’ll use their know-how and their resources to bring you success, because they know your relationship together depends on it. Since they live and breathe marketing, they already know and have proven the most effective processes.
  • Master your marketing from day one: Marketing is hard and mastering it takes time and money. By hiring an agency, you can bootstrap the process and get up and running quickly. Instead of DIYing and learning something for years, you can hire a master to get the job done in a jiff.
  • Improve your products and services: An agency can help you take your products and services to the next level. Marketing isn’t just about dressing up your offer in the best possible way. By interacting with your customers, a digital marketing agency offers you valuable insights on what your customers like about your products and services, as well as where you can make potential improvements.

How to hire a digital marketing agency - dos and don'ts

You’ve now come to the point where you decide to hire a digital marketing agency. Awesome, now here comes the challenging part: How do you pick the digital marketing agency that is right for your business?

Because your business growth depends on the agency you hire, you need to do a bit of homework:

  1. Look into the agency’s track record. Do they have references or case studies that prove their expertise? Anyone can start a digital marketing agency, but not everyone can run one successfully.
  2. Check out the agency’s clients. Do they work with other businesses in your niche? Do they have the industry knowledge, skills, and resources you need? The agency also needs to know the customers of your business, because that is crucial for successful marketing campaigns. If the agency already works with businesses like yours, they will be able to set up a brilliant campaign much more easily.
  3. What marketing channels does the agency specialize in? Different businesses thrive on different channels. You might need to focus on conversion rate optimization, paid advertising, content marketing, or social media. Verify the agency’s strengths before hiring them.
  4. Pick an agency that cares about your project. Get in touch with them directly and ask about their experience. Do they communicate with you well? Do they care about you and producing real results? Or does it feel like they only want to do the bare minimum to collect the cash? The right agency often feels like an extended arm of your business and they need to be heavily invested in your success.

If you follow these steps, we guarantee you’ll find the right digital marketing agency, maximizing your chances of making an excellent investment and holistically growing your business.

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